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How SSO integration with Azure Active Directory works

Integrating with your Azure Active Directory allows your users to access your illuxiLMS portal without managing a separate login account. Users will log in through your Azure Active Directory using the same account they use daily in their work environment.

1. Login process

When one of your users accesses your illuxiLMS portal, they will be automatically redirected to the Microsoft login interface:

The user will log in and then be redirected to your illuxiLMS portal without needing to log in again.

2. Who can access your portal?

You have full control over who can or cannot access your illuxiLMS portal.

When a user successfully authenticates through your Azure Active Directory and is redirected to your portal, we receive their first name, last name, email address, and the security groups they belong to.

Only users who belong to at least one security group named "illuxilms" will be granted access to your portal. Otherwise, the user will be notified that they do not have the necessary permissions to access the portal.

You must ensure that users who need access to the illuxiLMS portal are assigned to a group named "illuxilms".

3. illuxiLMS administrator role

Users who belong to a security group named "illuxilms-admin" will automatically be granted administrator privileges on your portal.

Updated on: 02/18/2025

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